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nasha mukti kendra

Battling Drug Abuse – Search for the best Nasha Mukti Kendra in Ghaziabad

Drug abuse is rising rampantly and India isn’t left out in this. Part of the cause of this problem can be that India shares borders with a lot of countries that are the centre of cultivation and production of such narcotics. Drug addiction has hit the younger half of the population way worse than the …

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nasha mukti kendra

Get Holistic Drug De-addiction treatment at Vikalp Nasha Mukti Kendra Noida

India has seen a rapid rise in drug abuse since the past decade. Its proximity to the golden triangle, that is, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand and the golden crescent, that is, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, makes it the perfect hub for smuggling drugs like opium, therefore, increasing the number of opium dependents dramatically. Fighting the …

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