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Visitor Experience

Do You Know What Are You Wrapping? Story of A Bright Student

The story of a young lad who while searching for cheap thrills, in his 2nd year of engineering, fell into the den of addiction. Tushaar, born and brought up in Delhi NCR, had to go all the way to Tamil Nadu in search of his dream – automobile engineering. A bright student who scored 9 …

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Visitor Experience

From the Cesspool of Drugs to Counselling: Journey of 17-year Teen

Heroin or diamorphine is an opioid, which is used in the field of medicine as sedatives. But, some errant teens are engrossed by its “euphoric effects” and spoil their life. One such case was Fahim. Fahim a counsellor at Vikalp, Ghaziabad, is also a familiar face for anyone visiting the rehab. Just as promised in …

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Visitor Experience

How Alcohol Penetrates Through your Reasoning to Make you an Addict?

When we think of addiction, especially alcohol, what comes to our mind? Obviously not a picture of an aspirant preparing to get into Ph.D. Some would argue otherwise, that nothing is impossible.However, it is the common perception I am talking about. You will soon come to know after reading Abhijeet’s story. He was very excited …

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Visitor Experience

My First Interaction with Addicts at Vikalp Rehab: By Rohit Pandey

Last week I happened to visit Ghaziabad. But, this visit was different from my earlier visits. How? You will know it after reading more. But, before, let me also state what made me visit the place this time. While I was pondering over the state of addicts, a friend of mine suggested a name, Vikalp, …

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